
My workshop is located in Toulouse, Casselardit
at 13 Rue Gustave Eiffel, 31300 Toulouse

Contact information:

Louis Henrionnet,
@ iodeo Electronique
Siret: 90300297000015

Legal Notices

Company identity & Website is own by Louis Henrionnet as individual entrepreneur.

The company is located at 13 Rue Gustave Eiffel, 31300 Toulouse
Reachable by phone at 06 64 26 17 74 and by e-mail at
Siret number: 90300297000015 is hosted by OVH SAS 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France was designed and created by Louis Henrionnet, using open source CMS Grav

Terms of Sales

All prices are indicated including tax.

The delivery costs and terms are indicated while choosing the delivery option. The seller cannot be held responsible in the event of loss of the package by the carrier, unless the Registered Shipping option has been chosen. In the event of registered delivery and if the carrier acknowledges lost of the package, the seller undertakes to renew the shipment at its expense within the limit of available stocks. If there is no longer stock, the buyer can obtain an exchange or refund.

Payment is made by Bank Transfer or via the marketplace. Other payment solutions can be offered on request.

In the case of a contract, the terms of execution and payment shall be described on a case-by-case basis in the said contract.

Right of withdrawal: the buyer has the legal period of 14 days to cancel and return their order. Returning the order is at the buyer's expense if applicable.

If the product is defective, a repair service is available upon request. If manufacturing defect or hidden defect is acknowledged, the repair is at seller expense.

In the event of a dispute, the buyer can use the European online dispute resolution platform.